Sunday, April 19, 2009


I had some GOOD food yesterday! I had a heavier meal at supper time than is preferred, but I had to work from 10 - 4 with only a 10-minute break in the middle, so a) no time for a proper lunch, and 2) prettyy hungry when I got home. However, I did eat my dinner fairly early, so hopefully I gave my body some time to digest before bedtime. I had red meat for supper, which is a rarity, so it was a bit more work for my digestive system than it's used to. I should have planned that meal for a time when I would be home at midday. OK, here's Saturday's breakdown:

2 eggs, scrambled with pan-seared zucchini
1 light multi-grain English muffin spread with 1 wedge Laughing Cow Lite Swiss
(Doesn't that breakfast sound magnificent?? I guess I should have put a couple strawberries on my plate to round it out, though, huh? Oops.)

1 whole-wheat tortilla, spread with
1 wedge of Laughing Cow Lite Swiss, and rolled up with
3 sliced fresh strawberries

I KNOW, right?? It was as awesome as it sounds! It just came into my head because I didn't have any apples and I was trying to figure out what to take for a good snack! YUMMMMMM. Probably I could have thrown a few chopped nuts in there... I'll try that next time.

8 oz steak (I was going to only eat part of it, but I did indeed consume the whole thing)
oven-roasted Brussels sprouts, asparagus and one small potato*

*I only have a couple of those white potatoes left... when those are gone, I will buy nothing but sweet potatoes, I promise.

You know, it occurs to me that 'they' say that you can make any activity a habit by doing it for 30 days, right? I think they're right, because I'm starting to feel like this is just the way I eat now, that it's not just a temporary diet plan to achieve a specific goal. Yay!

I know that it may take a year or more to get to my healthiest size, but I'm OK with that. (This could be accelerated by regular exercise, I know, which I would like to incorporate into my routine at some point.) Deepak Chopra actually talks about this in one of his books, that if you eat a healthy, balanced, diet of nutritious foods, your body will naturally become its own perfect weight, so the goal shouldn't be a number. The goal is wherever you are feeling your best. That's why I'm not clinging to 135 (when I was young, this was my comfortable weight), or even 150... I just want to feel healthy.


  1. Great philosophizing! Yes, it sounds like you have incorporated your new eating lifestyle successfully. I am trying to re-do some things that have unfortunately become bad habits in the last 5 years or so and hope I can prove the 30-day rule, also.
    As for wanting to feel healthy, I'm sure you have already noticed a difference and it will only get better.
    BTW: Yes, I went on NutriSystem's website and looked at the ingredients in EVERYthing before I made my selections. It's a good thing I did, because some things that LOOKED like they would be okay, weren't.

  2. Thanks, Kathie. You know the old Mickey Mantle quote to which I allude in my "About Me" section, "If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself," is so right on the mark! I wish I had been doing this all my life, but I guess it's better late than never, right?

    I have noticed a difference in the way I feel, mostly emotionally, actually. I still have bad days, but at least I'm not hitting McD's for grease sticks and floor scrapings (the way I've decided to think of french fries and cheeseburgers).

    Glad you investigated the foods before ordering. Wouldn't THAT have been annoying, to get a bunch of stuff you couldn't eat!
