Sunday, April 12, 2009


See, it was bound to happen. BUT, unlike in the past when I have allowed these 'transgressions' to derail my efforts entirely, I am back on track today and not beating myself up. As you might surmise from this opening, I had an Epic Fail yesterday. *sigh*

2 eggs, over easy
1 "Lite" multi-grain english muffin, toasted, dry

1 Fuji apple with 
1 wedge of Laughing Cow Lite Swiss

ham and cheese sandwich on Pepperidge Farm "Carb Style" 7-grain bread (which, by the way, tastes not unlike cardboard - nasty stuff)
alfalfa/radish sprouts

OK, here's where things went south. I wasn't really hungry for anything specific, other than I wanted some kind of snack that didn't involve apple. Yes, there were other options, but nothing really appealed to me. 

In the care box I got a couple of weeks ago, there was a package of brownie mix. I decided I would save it for my birthday, but if you remember, I had a very healthy and wonderful birthday, and didn't really feel the need for brownies. So the package just sat here for a couple of weeks... until yesterday. 


I made the brownies (adding a few mixed nuts to the top). They came out rather thin (about 1/2" thick). I cut the 8" pan into 9 brownies. I ate one while I was watching a movie. Then I ate another one. Then I ate one more. Then I stopped and threw the rest of them into the trash. I drank some water, grabbed the leash and the dog, and went for a long walk, about 3 times longer than usual. 

I honestly felt so yucky after eating those things that I think I've gotten it out of my system. I mean, there may be other stumbling blocks along this path, but I got through this one without a) eating the whole pan in one sitting; b) eating some and saving the rest for later; or c) allowing this slip to undermine all my previous efforts. So that's a start. AND it wasn't a satisfying experience, so I'm not tempted to repeat it. 

As you notice, there is no supper mentioned here. The brownies WERE supper, I'm afraid. :(

Well, in the immortal words of one of my favorite characters (and Marnie's, too), "tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it." So that's how I'm approaching today: a clean slate.


  1. lol that was not an epic fail. EPIC fail would have to be blowing the entire day. You blew one meal. and from the way you started out the brownie description, I thought you were going to say you'd eaten the whole batch! three measly brownies, and not even in addition to a full meal?? pshaw. nice try mom, but not quite epic.

    Glad to hear you're back on the wagon today. Dinner with the Porters tonight should be good - you'll have to go easy on my baked beans, they're full of molasses! They may also taste terrible, so it might not be a problem to eat very little.. Baking beans makes me even more nervous than baking pies....

    Anyway! Rest of your day yesterday looked great, and if anything the brownies were at least an excuse for some extended exercise. :)

  2. Haha, thanks Rachel. I was pretty happy about being able to toss out the rest of the brownies... my mother would have broken my arm to prevent that, if she'd been here.

    I'm making my dressing-less salad for dinner, so that will make me happy to fill up on.

    I know what you mean about baking beans... it's always a crap-shoot with me (haha, nice pun, huh?) how they turn out. I always try to make them like my mother's, but I've not once been successful. I loved your Grammie Andrews' beans, though, and I make them alright... not the same without the picalilly, though. DO you have picalilly? Hmmmmm?

    Anyway, thanks for the perspective on my slide yesterday.

  3. M, I don't think an occasional slide is a catastrophe and certainly not an "epic". I will probably be yelled at for this, but I have found that totally denying myself EVERYthing is an eventual road to "throwing in the towel". The trick is to a) not overdo it (which it sounds like you didn't) and b) not do it often. I hope you are feeling better and that your job is going better. Did they ever get the a/c fixed? BTW: I added a comment to Day 21, if you're interested.
    Take care.
    P.S. I will probably kick myself, but I signed up for NutriSystem today. I'm not the cook you are, nor do I enjoy cooking any more. Will let you know how it goes. I should hve my first delivery in about 2 weeks, give-or-take.

  4. Thanks Kathie. Yes, I am finally figuring out that cutting something out completely only makes me want it more, which leads to a binge, which leads to throwing in the towel. So I don't feel too bad about the brownies, especially since they're not sitting there waiting for me to succumb any more. :)

    I am feeling a LOT better, thank you. And yes, they fixed the a/c -- just in time for the weather to get cooler! LOL. Job still sucks, though. :(

    I get an email every time someone comments on any of my blog pages, so I did just check out your message on Day 21, thanks! I even commented back!

    Your brother Patrick uses NutriSystem fairly frequently, and swears that it helps him, so I'm sure it will be of use to you. I assume you checked the ingredients thoroughly to make sure there was no "bad" stuff in there, right? Right?? RIGHT??? No point in losing pounds at the expense of your digestive tract. :)

    Thanks again for the comments.

  5. Mom, I just want to reiterate the others' comments and say that I think in no way, shape or form did you have an epic fail. first of all, seeing the shortage in your diet over the past few days of getting sick and the healthy things you ate the rest of the day and the nice long walk you had, you could justify the extra treat easily and healthily. I don't think you should even feel bad about having three. You recognized by the third one that you had the potential to overdo it and you took steps to prevent that. Also I just want to say, be careful about punishing yourself for overindulgence with restricting your ability to have a healthy meal. I don't know if you just weren't hungry after you had the brownies or if you skipped dinner to punish yourself, or "make up" for the extra calories, but just be careful with that. I love you so much, and you're doing a great job.

  6. Marnie, thank you. I don't think it was a conscious decision to not eat supper after the Brownie Binge; mostly they made me feel like crap, and I didn't feel like putting anything else into my stomach.

    I am looking forward to feeling normal again, and see how I can manage my eating times and choices when I have a regular appetite!

    OK, I'm going to post yesterday's journal now.

    Thank you again for the support, Marnie.
    I love you and miss you.
