Monday, April 6, 2009


Well, I didn't eat too much today... feeling kinda like crap. I'm going to bed, but I figured I'd enter today's food now, so I don't have to do it in the morning before work.

1/2 c. cottage cheese
1/3 c. chunk pineapple (canned in 100% own juice, drained)
2 slices dry whole-grain toast

about 2/3 of an apple (leftover from yesterday's snack)
about 6 nuts (see? not very hungry)

1 whole-wheat pita pocket (the last one, pretty dry and crumbly) with
1/2 avocado, 5 slices cucumber, 3 slices pepper jack cheese (3/4" x 2"), tahini, and sprouts
about 1/2 c. leftover multi-grain pasta from last night (apparently didn't eat the whole 2 oz yesterday! Oops.)

other half of the avocado. I know, I know, but it was so tasty, and easy on my throat to swallow. 
Also had a cup of Throat Coat tea. 


  1. are you getting a cold or something? :( feel better soon! when's your next day off?

  2. My suggestion is to buy some citrus fruit and/or 100% orange or grapefruit juice, consume lots of herbal tea with lemon and honey, and make sure you drink plenty of water. Every time I feel a cold/flu coming on this is what I do, and usually it keeps the worst away.

  3. Thanks guys. Yes, I think it is a cold, but right now it's all in my throat and ears.

    Sarah, I will try the citrus juice (when I can drag my ass to the store), but I don't know how that will do on my tummy -- I tend to get nasty heartburn with that stuff. I have honey for my tea, though. I keep forgetting to put it in there! Thanks!
