Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So yesterday began the third week of this journey... two full weeks under my belt (so to speak), and I am beginning to feel like I'm getting somewhere! Yay! I have to say that some days, when I leave work, it's all I can do to keep myself from scrounging in my purse for enough change to buy some french fries for the ride home (I pass McD's every time I leave the parking lot!!). So far so good, though, and I know the better I feel the easier struggles like that will be to resist. OK, so here's yesterday's news:

1 c. non-fat plain yogurt
1/3 c. sliced fresh strawberries
1 T. ground flax seed *
2 slices whole grain toast, 1 tsp butter

*The serving size on the bag of whole flax seed says 1 ounce, so I weighed that much out. That is A LOT of flax seed!! I ground it up, then measured 1 T into my yogurt and put the rest in the freezer. I hope it stays OK for a couple of days; I know it loses potency quickly once it's ground.

SNACK  12:30 PM
1 Fuji apple
1 wedge Laughing Cow

2 whole wheat pita pockets with (each):
2 slices smoked turkey
1/2 oz cheddar cheese
alfalfa sprouts
1 t. mayo
dijon mustard

1 Lindt dark chocolate truffle
4 Espresso thin mints (I KNOW, but that's still less than a full "serving," and now they're all gone)

SNACK  7:30 PM
I was inspired with a memory of my sister-in-law, Dottie, making the most delectable fruit salads, so I cut up a banana, strawberries, an orange, and an apple, and ate about
1 c. fruit salad

The rest I saved for breakfast this morning. YUM!!!


  1. cool Mom, you're on a roll! Shelagh, I know you're out there reading this, where are you? You've got to become a follower too, and join the conversation. :-)

  2. Haha, yes, she's reading it. She said she posted a bunch of comments the other day, but since none of them are here, I guess she hit a wrong button or something. The same thing happened to Mike. You know these older folks have a hard time with technology.. LOL!! Ooooh they're going to kill me!!

  3. To those of you trying to post comments, remember you have to select a profile in the drop down box to post, then you have to type in the security word that pops up to prevent spam. I know I thought I posted a comment, but never actually did those two steps before I navigated away from the page...hope that helps!

  4. Thanks Marnie! I hope that helps those who've tried to comment. I'd hate to miss their pearls of wisdom! :)
