Monday, March 30, 2009

Yay! A Farmers' Market!

I am so excited, and so  s  l  o  w.  It never occurred to me to look before now, because who thinks of Farmers' Markets in the wintertime??

Well, Marnie's link to finding local seasonal produce (April in Virginia is asparagus and spinach) led me to look for the local Farmers' Market. Imagine my excitement when I found THIS. Not only a cool Farmers' Market, it's easy to get to by bus, it opens at 5:30 in the frickin' morning (!), and it's open YEAR ROUND, rain or shine!! OH, and BONUS! They have artist-vendors, too! So I'll be looking into THAT right off quick, dontcha know!!

So yay happy day and so forth. (NYPD Blue fans would get that, trust me.) Just thought I'd share the excitement. (Rachel, you wanna go at the crack of dawn Saturday? I work 10-6, so I have to leave around 9:15... can/will you get up that early on the weekend?)


  1. cool, farmer's market!! ummm I'd rather not get up that early on Saturday, because I'm getting up way early on Sunday - Cherry Blossom 10-miler!! *pees her pants in terror* race starts at 7:40 so Ima be up rill early. So I think I need my sleep Saturday.. but NEXT Saturday I could be convinced! :) I love farmers markets, and the ones in Arlington don't open till May.

  2. Is the Cherry Blossom run going to be one of those dealies where we can track your progress from our computer? You are one brave girl, Rachel... I know you will do GREAT!

  3. em...10-6 SOUNDS like an eight hour shift...?

    and go RACH!!

  4. Yes, smartie, 10-6 is ALMOST an 8-hour shift (1/2 hour for lunch), but that's the only full day I've been scheduled since last Thursday. So there. ;P
