Monday, March 30, 2009


A delightful day yesterday, Sunday, March 29:

bowl of Smart Start cereal (from my care package), with
1 small banana
2 strawberries (rather large)
skim milk

(How about THAT? A normal, nutritious, and tasty breakfast!! Good thing, too, since I needed energy for a busy day at Crocs!)

SNACK  12 Noon
1 Fuji apple (which I like better than Gala; juicy and not so 'squeaky')
1 T natural peanut butter

2 small whole wheat pita pockets with 1/2 avocado, cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, 2 little slices of cheese, and tahini (no mayo this time!)

1 Lindt dark chocolate truffle
2 Espresso thin mints

SNACK  7:50 PM
1/2 c. low-fat cottage cheese with fresh strawberries
cup of Lemon Zinger tea

Aside from the dessert, it was a pretty good day. Apparently, I am not ever going to be scheduled for an eight-hour day at Crocs (through next week end, my longest shift is 6 hours, which entitles me to one 10-minute break), so I'm going to have to figure out a snack with more substance that a) is portable, b) needs no refrigeration,  c) needs no cooking, and d) I can eat in 10 minutes.  

Those pita pockets are light enough that it really isn't a huge meal, but at some point, I'm going to have something other than a sandwich (or two) for supper, and I don't like having lunch and dinner together. 

I have GOT to find a different job... these people are crazy (AND I will have worked 7 days straight before I get my first day off!  Granted, they're not full 8-hour days, but that's still schlepping to Woodbridge every day... ugh.)!


  1. Ugh I hate this job for you!! I hope something else comes up soon.

    anyway wow good job Mom!! Sorry, I was away the last several days, just now catching up on your blog. yay asparagus in the springtime! so cheap and delicious. Thanks Marnie for sharing that link to local seasonal food! I've been looking for a site like that.

    that creme horn victory is truly cause for celebration! I totally get how that feels, it's awesome that you were able to put it down and head to the produce section! I'm le proud. :) and the restraint with the delicious chocolate! you're awesome. I don't think having a dessert like that makes it a bad day at all. You've been doing so well, you deserve it!

    cheers to you, and cheers to your unnamed benefactors! also that thing Joe is sending you sounds neat - let us know how that works!

  2. Thanks Rachel! I got the BodyBugg on Saturday, but unfortunately the software that runs it is only compatible with an Intel-based Mac, and mine is a PowerPC-based Mac. :( I even enlisted the help of a professional techie - your cousin Tim - and he said there's nothing I can do, unless there is a different version of the software available, which it doesn't look like there is, according to their web site. So phooey. Hard to know who was more disappointed, Joe or me!

    He's pretty bummed, but he also sent me this book called, "The Eat-Clean Diet" by a woman named Tosca Reno. It's not a diet, it's more like what I'm trying to do on this blog, I think, so it fits right in. I haven't gotten very far into it yet, but so far it's very logical and healthy-sounding. :)

    I joined that SparkPeople web site that Marnie has been sending us recipes from, and there is a calorie calculator on there; you can enter your recipes and it will tell you the nutritional breakdown per serving, which is pretty cool. Haven't spent a lot of time figuring out that web site yet, though. I have this week off from school, and I'm going to be focusing on job hunting mostly, but I am going to dive into that book and the web site, too; gotta use what tools I can find!

    I have to say, though, that I seriously think the strongest tools that I have are the three of you girls! You have all been so helpful and supportive, and it means so much! It really makes a huge difference!


  3. Hey Mom, I totally get the ten min. break thing (except at SBUX we get a 10 min break every 2 hours with a minimum 4 hour shift. Anything longer than 6 hours (even 15 min longer) requires a 30 min meal break). Some ideas I have for making your snack time more worthwhile:
    veggies and hummus (brocolli/cauliflower/cucumber, carrots, whatever you like, just buy and prep into small pieces to dip in hummus or a lowfat dressing and you get some good fiber to fill you up. Could even just make it a wrap/sandwich if you want.)
    Yogurt with granola and fruit.
    any kind of sandwich or wrap, should be fine at room temp for 3 hours
    fruit and cheese plate with a hard boiled egg. (took this idea from a protein plate starbucks offers, but that I can't afford) Just hard boil a couple of eggs and take one a day for your lunch, eat with grapes and cheese.
    make your own trail mix, or granola bars, filling and easy to eat.
    Make soup ahead, heat it reaaly hot in the morning, keep it hot in a thermos (I think Rachel already suggested this)
    Try to eat a bigger breakfast, maybe adding a soft-boiled egg or fruit juice to what you already have going, so that lunch can be a lighter meal, easier to eat in 10 min. then you can have another snack when you get home from work so you don't gorge at dinner.
    The key is to PLAN AHEAD, and prep your lunch the night before. Also, put your stuff in insulated bag with a freezer pack and you don't have to worry about spoilage...(again, already mentioned...)
    It helps me to brainstorm all of this because I'm reminded to do it for myself too!

  4. Thank you Marnie! Blast, I keep forgetting about the hummus!! That's my next trip to the store; garbanzo beans!! I also like the hard-boiled egg idea... I love them, and the protein would last longer in my belly, I think. (Btw, it was Sarah who suggested the thermos/insulated lunch thingy.)

    You're absolutely right about planning ahead, and it starts at the grocery store. Tomorrow on my day off (in addition to cleaning the apartment from the last 7 days of neglect), I am going to do some menu planning and lay in a few more supplies (thank you, Sarah!).

    All great suggestions, Marnie, and I'm so grateful. Say, Shelagh just called and said that since she's been following my blog and trying to implement some of the things we've been talking about, she's lost 3 pounds, so Yay! Spreadin' the love! :)
