Thursday, March 19, 2009


Thanks to the suggestions, tips, and encouragement of my 'followers' (sorry, but that sounds so cult-ish), yesterday was a better day. Mostly. Here's the list, then as usual, I will expound on the other side. Thanks for playing.

1 6oz container of Dannon (I'm almost through with them... can't wait!)
1 slice of soda bread, toasted, with a teeeeny bit of butter

Leftover fettuccine with broccoli and green beans; no butter, just a little chicken broth

1 small Gala apple with about a tablespoon of natural peanut butter... I admit, DELICIOUS.

1 slice corned beef
1 potato
1 carrot
1 wedge of cabbage
1 small onion
1 slice soda bread w/ 1 tsp butter

1 6oz Dannon yogurt

AND... er, several pieces of chocolate. OK, I have put them out of reach, now, in preparation for delivering what's left to Rachel's office tomorrow. In my defense, I am suffering through a particularly violent menstrual cycle right now, and I have actually heard that one can have strong cravings for chocolate at these times. I don't know why... is there iron in chocolate, or something, that the body knows it needs to replenish? Anyway, I have committed myself to eschewing chocolate today, though it is on my mind.

SO. Here's yet another habit I have to work on: eating while being on the computer, instead of sitting at the table like a human. In fact, I'm eating my breakfast while I'm typing this! (And yes, I said breakfast. I was up until 4 this morning, so I got a late start today. Another bad habit. Good grief.) Anyway, I know that I need to eat with attention and intention, as my dear friend, Deepak, likes to say, so that my body will taste and enjoy the food I am giving it, making it more satisfying and fulfilling. But it's kind of lonely sitting at the table by myself. I know that sounds silly; there are lots of people who eat alone. And, quite honestly, even when I was with my mom we rarely ate at the table. She preferred her favorite chair and Wheel of Fortune with her dinner.

Perhaps if I get into the habit of playing quiet music while I eat, and looking out the window instead of at the computer... right now, though, the sunny, beautiful morning has turned to chilly, overcast skies, and it's starting to rain. The perfect day for curling up with a good book or an old movie.


  1. 1 6-oz container of yogurt and a slice of bread? That doesn't sound like much of a breakfast. were you still hungry after that?? You could probably stand to eat a heartier breakfast and add a mid-morning snack.. An egg (fried with PAM or poached or something, no butter - or maybe a scramble if you have some veggies to put in), maybe some turkey bacon, whole grain toast, and half an apple. Or something like that. And then the other half an apple for a mid-morning snack?

    Definitely a good idea to sit at a table and just eat - something I don't do nearly enough, most days I eat my lunch at my computer, often I eat dinner in front of the TV. But it is really nice sitting at a real dining table for a meal. Just think of it as sitting With yourself rather than By yourself.

    I might go for a run this evening, mind if I pop by and visit? I was going to try to get 4 miles in and you are almost exactly 4 miles away.

  2. I agree with Rachel on the breakfast front. If you're in a hurry and don't have time for a more hearty breakfast you should definitely incorporate a mid-morning snack at least. You must have been starving by lunch-time. Rest of your day looks great though!

  3. I was actually OK for the morning... I'm not usually too hungry when I first get up, especially if I didn't eat too close to bedtime the night before. That's so weird, but if I eat something before hitting the sack (which I KNOW is a bad idea for so many reasons), I wake up in the morning RAVENOUS.

    Anyway, I did better with today's breakfast. Actually with the whole day so far! AND NO CHOCOLATE!! Yay!

    I will try to eat a bigger breakfast... I do have eggs once in a while, but I have to remember to have fruit as well.

    Anyway, good suggestions, all. Thank you!
