Friday, March 27, 2009


I really have to get some sort of a system down for this work schedule stuff... yesterday was my second 8-hour shift of leg-breaking, back-aching, headache-inducing work at Crocs, and I am just not eating enough to maintain any kind of energy level or to stave off hunger pangs. As soon as my legs stop aching, I'll go to the store for a couple basic necessities, but at the moment my selection is pretty limited.

Yesterday, Thursday, March 26:
A couple handfuls of dry corn flakes
(I took a baggie of them, but they are NASTY to eat dry, and hard to get into your mouth while driving... I gave up trying.)

15 Wheat Thins Fiber Selects crackers
1 wedge Laughing Cow cheese

2 apples with peanut butter (on one) and Laughing Cow (on the other)

5 fried corn tortillas with shredded cheddar
1 avocado

1 oz dark baking chocolate (which I thought was a better choice than a commercial candy bar out of the vending machine downstairs... I found enough change in my purse, but thought better of it and went in search of better chocolate in my cupboard)


  1. wow. it doesn't look like you're eating enough at all Mom. Do you have a rough idea of how many calories that adds up to or how many calories will provide a healthy weight loss? Also, following Sarah's renaming of the categories, I think we should call that breakfast 'snack'. Are you eating so little because you don't have food? You might check out local food pantries to get some variety into your diet...? btw, have you tried prepping some corn tortillas (maybe fry lightly to soften) with shredded cheese (but not melted or anything, just rolled up, maybe held with toothpick? and just heat in micro at work. bring salsa and avocado to work and voila! Also, if you can get up early enough to have a bowl of cereal, sounds like that could be an easy fix too. you're doing great Mom! hope you hear back from some other jobs soon, so your body doesn't have a breakdown... :( :( :(

  2. Shelagh mailed me a "care package," which she says I should get tomorrow, so that will be nice. I don't want to go to a food pantry... there are people who sleep in cardboard boxes who need that food more than I do.

    And we don't have a microwave at work... we don't even have any chairs to sit on during breaks! I don't think I could eat a raw corn tortilla, but when I make the flour ones, I'll definitely give that a try.

    I have heard back, from three jobs -- all of whom say, "thanks but no thanks." :( Apparently I don't have any marketable skills.

    Anyway, thanks for the moral support and encouragement, Marnie. :o)
