Thursday, May 28, 2009


OK, so apparently it's a little harder to get back on the horse than I expected. I am definitely doing some backsliding... I need to put the brakes on FAST, though! I do NOT want to spiral out of control into the abyss of mindless eating again.

I know that one way to jump-start myself again is by moving around more... can anyone think of any physical activities that don't require good knees? My left knee has really been bothering me for almost a week now; I've been popping Advil like candy, which ain't good but the pain is almost unbearable sometimes. I don't know if I'm getting arthritis in that knee, or it's just plain tired of schlepping three people around; if it's the latter, then obviously sticking to my healthy plan is the best way to heal up, but these days that's easier said than done.

I would welcome any thoughts, suggestions, or comments that anyone has to offer!



  1. I believe I've mentioned this before, but morning stretching is a great start to the day. There are a lot of stretches that you can do sitting down even that wouldn't impact your knees at all. I'm sure you can find descriptions online (sparkpeople would be one place), you may even be able to google some that are specifically low impact on knees.

    I know you're reluctant to go to the gym in your building, but the stationary bike might be ok. It depends on what the real issue with your knees is though. If it's mostly the weight on the knees, then moving your knees without the weight could be good for them. If you have any sort of problem with your joints though, it may not be a good idea.

    If you can find a water aerobics type thing at a community center pool that would probably be ideal. Or even just walking in a pool. I know, pools, bathing suits, etc. uggh. But most of the people participating in that sort of thing would probably be very similar to you, and this really would be the best way to get in activity with minimal impact on your knees.

  2. Here's a sparkpeople link for 11 exercises to help decrease knee pain:

    Plus a 3 part article: Think You're too heavy to exercise?:

    Hopefully these links work, though you may need to log into sparkpeople first.

  3. Thank you Sarah! I appreciate you doing the research for me! Don't know why it didn't occur to me to check SparkPeople. :-/

    The water idea is a great one... knowing me,I doubt if I would have the rumgumption to get myself to a community pool, but there is a pool right outside my window that just opened up last weekend... I need to check out the hours of operation and find a time when all the little kiddies won't be out there.

    I'm not sure exactly what the problem is with my knee (it's only the left one, not both thankfully), but I suspect that it's partly weight and partly damage which may have led to the onset of arthritis... don't know, and no way to find out, but you're right about stretching: it couldn't hurt!

    Thanks again for the help, Sarah!
