Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Sorry for the gap in communication. This is my last post until further notice. I have lost momentum and interest.

I appreciate all the support and encouragement, anyway.

Best to all.


  1. Mom. NO. you canNOT do this. I know you have a lot of jobs now and not as much time to be posting stuff online, but this is NOT the time to throw in the towel. Just because you went off track yesterday or last week, or whatever doesn't mean you can't get back on today. In the words of Nike, just DO IT. Just write down your food. Post it on the blog. brief notes about your life/processing. You get to keep in touch with your family in a better way than we have in years. This is not just about you you know. It's all of us struggling with the same stuff together, and you're our humorous, honest, crazy leader. So don't quit dammit! (if i spell it with 2 m's it's not really swearing)

  2. i want to add (could be a broken record here) but the whole purpose of this is to UNZIP yourself, right? so there is lots of stuff hiding in there that is gross and needs to come out. what kind of unzipping only shows the good stuff? When you feel like sh** and you've had a bad day, and eaten everything in your entire refridgerator, well, that's in you, and now you see it. you write it. you open yourself to actually being a human and relating to all of us. oh, and I also meant to add: I love you.
