Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spicy Black Bean Burgers with Chipotle Mayonnaise

These sound AMAZING! I just got this recipe in my inbox, and had to share! Let me know if you try it before I do!


  1. they do sound awesome! I'm not the biggest fan of chipotle flavor, but another idea for that: use greek yogurt instead of mayo? Not sure if that would taste weird or not.

  2. Maybe split the difference and go with sour cream? Better flavor for chipotle than yogurt and less fat/calorie than mayo? I love greek yogurt but I have a hard time using it in Mexican/Spanish type recipes the flavor just isn't quite right. Also, just an FYI on the chilies in adobo sauce if you haven't used those before - they are REALLY spicy; 1 T per 3 T mayo would probably blow my head off.

  3. Thanks, guys!

    I was actually wondering how/why they had mayo in a 'skinny taste' recipe, and I am NOT a fan of the low-fat/no-fat mayonnaise option; I would rather eat my eyelashes.

    I Am, however, a fan of sour cream. I agree that the Greek yogurt might be a bit off in a Mexican dish, but what about cutting the sour cream with a little plain regular yogurt? Get the yumminess of the sour cream, and the tang of yogurt? Hmmm, I think it might work!

    Thanks, Sarah, for the heads up on the chilies. I don't mind spicy, but I can't really do the head-blowing thing anymore.
