Hello Autumn!!!
Just had the most wonderful evening. I played hookie tonight from the Swing Dancing workshop (sounded cool, but I just needed some SERIOUS introvert time...), so while Chris went out to perfect his super-cool moves, I stayed home and celebrated Autumn in the kitchen.
So I spent the evening cooking and listening to George Winston's "Autumn" (*LOVE*) on Spotify. (The link is to the first track on the album, via youtube. BTW, Have I mentioned that I <3 Spotify?!!!) ANYway, so, here is a photo journal of the evening, inspired by Rachel (sorry the pics are kinda crappy - couldn't find camera so went with cell phone...)
First, I was inspired by Rachel's Pumpkin Soup post...it's awesome!! The only adjustment I would make next time would be to add a bit more spice - didn't have quite as much kick as I'd like...
The ingredients - mostly organic!:

The fool-proof, no-cry onion cutting method...er...sideways, sorry!

Yes, I am grating my own nutmeg! ;-)
Chris would be so proud of my Mise En Place!!
Yummy sizzling onions...
Simmering with lovely aroma...(Rachel does yours develop a kind of foamy 'skin' as it's simmering? I just skimmed it off a few times throughout the simmering...)
As Rachel was looking for pairing suggestions, I planned to eat the pumpkin soup with some artisan bread and cheese, but when I was tasting the different breads at Central Market, I fell in love with IRish soda bread all over again and thought it would pair nicely. I am eating it now, with some apple slices on the side, sans cheese (forgot to buy) - sooo good together! (See pic at top of page) I think a grilled cheese and apple on the Irish sb would be freaking amazing though...
Then I remembered how much I loved Apple Crisp and asked Rachel if she had a recipe, so she sent me to another awesome post (I didn't know you guys went apple picking - *jealous*) in which she confessed the whole crisp/cobbler ignorance - I laughed out loud at that; I think it was only a few years ago that I discovered that difference myself and felt like a dunderhead. ;-).

For the cobbler, I tried to cut down on the fat and only used about 3T butter. The topping is a little dry, but when it's all mixed in with the apples in your bowl it's still yummy!
...and then I remembered the BEST CHAI EVER that I have been buying way too frequently at the Central Market cafe, lately and how I wanted to try making a mix of my own.

I used this recipe for the Chai mix, but left out the overprocessed crap, so that it's basically just the sugar and spices - it's really quite good! I only used 1/2 c. sugar also added more cinnamon and nutmeg as the ginger and cardamom were quite strong. To prepare it I steeped a black tea bag in 1/2 c. hot water with 3t. of the mix and then added steamed soy to fill the cup (I'm sure microwaved or stove-top heated soy or regular milk would be fine). I think the next batch I make will just be the spices so that I people can add as much sugar/honey/agave/splenda or whatever to their own taste. I forgot to take a picture of the hot drink, but it was yummy, foamy, spicy goodness - I'm sure you can picture it!
This post is not NEARLY as entertaining as Rachel, but I wanted to share it with you all as I was thinking of you guys throughout the evening, and wishing we were all enjoying the fruits of my labor together!